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Song Details
Release Date: 1971  (Dave AuJus) 
Lyrics By: Michael Brewer / Tom Shipley (Dave AuJus) 
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Song Lyrics:
One toke over the line, sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sitting downtown
In a railway station
One toke over the line
Waiting for the train
That goes home, sweet Mary
Hoping that the train is on time
Sitting downtown In a railway station
One toke over the line

Who do you love
I hope it's me
I've been a changing
As you can plainly see

I felt the joy and
I learned about the pain
That my momma said
If I should choose
To make a part of me
Would surely strike me dead

And now I'm
[repeat CHORUS]

I sail away a country mile
And now I'm returning
And showing off my smile

I met all the girls
And I loved myself a few
And to my surprise
Like everything else
That I've been through
It opened up my eyes

And now I'm
One toke over the line, sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sitting downtown
In a railway station
One toke over the line

Don't you know that I'm just
Waiting for the train
That goes home, sweet Mary
Hoping that the train is on time
Sitting downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

Don't you know that I'm just
Waiting for the train
That goes home, sweet Mary
Hoping that the train is on time
Sitting in a railway station
One toke over the line

I wanna be
One toke over the line, sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sitting in a railway station
I'm going over the line
Waiting for the train that goes home
Hoping that the train is on time
Sitting in a railway station
I'm going over the line
Sitting downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

One toke, one toke over the line

(Dave AuJus)
Current Rating 10.0 (1 vote)
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