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Song Details
Duration: 2:59 
Release Date: 1965  (sav-man) 
Lyrics By: Tony Hatch (sav-man) 
Music By: Tony Hatch (sav-man) 
Produced By:
Released By: Warner Brothers Records (sav-man) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #340105942 (M_Robertcop) 
  • this song is on WON'T YOU COME HOME, DISRAELI? 1965 [EP] An odd, hard-to-find EP with primarily British distribution. It contains one cut from My Son, the Celebrity, one from My Son, the Nut, one from Allan in Wonderland and one that wasn't on any album. Won't You Come Home, Disraeli? • Green Stamps • You Went the Wrong Way, Old King Louie • Crazy Downtown (MarlinsGirl)
  • and the spoken line has "no swim", not "no swing". The swim was another dance. (otherdeb)
  • The lyric is "Frug" and "frugging". It was a popular dance. (otherdeb)
  • Sherman had to pay HUGE bucks for permission to parody this song; as a result, he would do fewer parodies on his later albums. (sav-man)
  • Sherman takes the POV of the parents who are worried while their kids are downtown (his reaction at the end is classic). (sav-man)
  • Parody of Petula Clark's 1965 hit "Downtown." (sav-man)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Mommy and Dad are never nervous or mad
    When you teenagers go downtown.
    Daddy and Mom just stay at home and be calm
    And watch the late late show, uptown.
    'Cause when you kids are gone we get to spend some time alone here
    That's our only chance to use the bathtub or the phone here
    When you're away
    Besides, we're stuck where we are
    Because you kids took our money, you kids took our car and went
    Downtown, where can you possibly
    Downtown, it's twenty after three
    Downtown, what do you mean by, "Let's frug"?

    You don't come home till 4 AM cause you're roaming
    In the streets somewhere, downtown.
    We would feel swell if only someone would tell us
    What goes on down there, downtown.
    But every time we ask you what you're doing after dark there
    You just say that you were frugging to Petula Clark there
    That's what I mean
    So, kids, give your folks a break
    Because you're driving us crazy, we sit here all night and take
    Milltown, swallowing pills so we'll
    Calm down, counting the hours you're
    Downtown, you and your frug and your slop.

    While we're lying there we try to watch the television
    Then you call us up and say you've had a slight collision
    There goes the car
    Besides that you've been arrested
    So we've got to get up, and we've got to get dressed and go
    Downtown, borrow a car and go
    Downtown, that's where you are, you finks,
    Downtown, wait 'till I get you kids home.

    (Spoken) There'll be no more frugging, no swim, no jerk, no mashed potato, no slop! And you know what else? You're gonna stay home tonight, and your mother and I are going downtown and we're going to dance the tango, and the waltz, and the foxtrot, and we're gonna do the bunny hop. That's a nice dance! And there'll be no more frugging! Is that quite clear? NO MORE FRUGGING!
    Current Rating 8.5 (3 votes)
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