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Song Details
Can You Hear The f***ing Music Coming Out Of My Car? 
By: The Axis of Awesome
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Duration: 2:19 
Release Date: 7/12/2011  (DJ Particle) 
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Song Lyrics:
It's Friday night
Gonna feel alright
It's party night alright
alright, alright, alright
alright, yeah alright

Gonna see the sights, Hold that booty tight
When I drive through town tonight
Tonight's so bright gonna crank it like dynamite
Gonna crank the volume when I get to the lights

Can You Hear the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Can You Hear the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Can You Hear the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Can You Hear the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Can You Hear the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Can You Hear the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Can You Hear the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
There's a lot of f***ing music coming out of my car

The car is pumping while the bass is thumping
The bitches in the front seat crumping, humping
Yeah jump in the back for some bumper bumping
Got my hands all over their lady lumping

All you other MC's you aint got nothing
My rhyme's so tight yeah something something
Everybody on the street get this party jumping
Around midnight I'll turn into a pumpkin

Do You Like the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Do You Like the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Do You Like the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Do You Like the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Do You Like the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Do You Like the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
Do You Like the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car?
There's still a lot of f***ing music coming out of my car

You can hear my f***ing music
You can hear it on the streets
You can hear it while you sleep
You can hear it from my car

I Love the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car
I Love the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car
I Love the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car
I Love the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car
I Love the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car
I Love the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car
I Love the f***ing Music Coming Out of My Car
There's a lot of f***ing music coming out of my car
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Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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