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Song Details
Mad Men World 
By: Moneyshot Cosmonauts
Play Song (Creative Commons License):
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Duration: 2:20 
Release Date: 3/23/2012 
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Licensing: CC (DJ Particle) 
  • Parody of "Mad World" by Tears For Fears (DJ Particle)
  • Song Lyrics:
    All around me is commercializing

    Go to work and everyone's chain smoking
    Sexist joking
    Mailroom poking

    I've time-warped to where they overpay me
    Girls obey me
    LBJ me

    And I find it kind of funny
    I find it kind of sad
    The meetings where I'm drinking
    Are the best I've ever had
    And the guys at Sterling Cooper
    All remind me of your dad
    But be careful what you're buying
    These are clearly very
    Mad Men
    Mad Men

    All around me there are reefer growers
    Party goers
    On riding mowers

    I've been Jonesin' for Miss January
    Why'd I marry
    My secretary?

    Dig this faux-nostalgic Sixties fashion
    Sixties passion
    Man, let's cash in

    And I find it quite ironic
    And I find it quite a kick
    If you turn into Don Draper
    Then you're actually a Dick
    And I find the style fantastic
    But the advertising false
    It's no American Movie Classic
    It's just basic cable

    Mad Men
    Mad Men
    Pan Am
    Oops I mean Mad Men

    ©2012+ Spaff, LLC
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
    Current Rating 0.0 (0 votes)
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