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Duration: 2:25 (Wacky Ben) 
Release Date: 2003 
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Messages about the song: "I Don't Have To Work Tomorrow"
Halfshell   Offline  -  Artist  -  08-31-19 11:29 AM  -  5 years ago

Sometimes artists would send in material way before it released. They use Dr D as a promotion and air play time. If it get enough air play the artist may record more material as a album if not, it remains as a novelty single.

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  08-30-19 10:31 PM  -  5 years ago

Discogs is a 85% reliable source...but not always. I use it a lot. And oh, yes, sites will go by the album for the date & not bother with date accuracy. Selling it is more important to them that an accurate date.

Dementia has always been a niche market, so dates will never be etched in stone like every last Sinatra release. Just check multiple sites & use common sense when in doubt.

But would it kill anyone to go the ASCAP & BMI sites, find all the info & add it to the page? Just asking. A nice, filled out page keeps the lawyers away.

Wacky Ben:

First I need to make a correction. The album is called Big Fun. For some reason I got mixed up with the Tim Burton movie. Second, aside from Dr. D's playlist, the only source I found where it says the song was released in 2003 was on I'm sure there might be other sources but I know most of them will say 2006 because of their album. I know for a fact that I can't prove if the song was released a year or more prior since Dr. D has occasionally waited a few years later to play a new song that may have been submitted.

Wacky Ben   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  08-30-19 10:04 PM  -  5 years ago
First I need to make a correction. The album is called Big Fun. For some reason I got mixed up with the Tim Burton movie. Second, aside from Dr. D's playlist, the only source I found where it says the song was released in 2003 was on I'm sure there might be other sources but I know most of them will say 2006 because of their album. I know for a fact that I can't prove if the song was released a year or more prior since Dr. D has occasionally waited a few years later to play a new song that may have been submitted.

Stavro Arrgolus:

Ok, here's a very old rule for this situation.

When you know it was released on an album in a certain year, but Dr. D. played it months or years before said album, you go by Barry's first play and credit the album's year under 'facts' - unless the album is already in the archive.

Realistically, it likely took Dr. D. quite a while to find it (unless Weird Al was involved) & it probably isn't from the year he played it, but "the net is vast and infinite", so any info found about it later can always be used to update the page.

Absolute accuracy is an illusion. Sometimes, you have to improvise until you dig up the real release date somewhere.

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  08-30-19 09:32 PM  -  5 years ago

Ok, here's a very old rule for this situation.

When you know it was released on an album in a certain year, but Dr. D. played it months or years before said album, you go by Barry's first play and credit the album's year under 'facts' - unless the album is already in the archive.

Realistically, it likely took Dr. D. quite a while to find it (unless Weird Al was involved) & it probably isn't from the year he played it, but "the net is vast and infinite", so any info found about it later can always be used to update the page.

Absolute accuracy is an illusion. Sometimes, you have to improvise until you dig up the real release date somewhere.

Wacky Ben   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  08-30-19 09:08 PM  -  5 years ago
No, it wasn't released in 2006. Otherwise it wouldn't have been played on The Dr. Demento Show in 2003. But it is included on their album Big Fish which was released in 2006. But still, the song itself isn't from 2006.
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