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Song Lyrics:
Johnnie Fedora met Alice Bluebonnet
in the window of a department store.
'Twas love at first sight and they promised one night
they'd be sweethearts forever more.

Johnnie would serenade Alice,
too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo!
He sang of a beautiful palace,
of a beautiful hatbox for two

But Johnnie Fedora lost Alice Bluebonnet
to a patron of the department store.
Her beauty was sought by the girl she was bought by
for twenty-three ninety-four.

Johnnie, oh Johnnie!
Your Alice Bluebonnet
will always be waiting for you.
So don't give up hoping and don't give up dreaming
for true love will come smiling through.

Johnnie Fedora was lonely and stranded
in the window of the department store.
When lo and behold he was suddenly sold
and his heart became gay once more

Johnnie sang out like a robin,
too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo!
To strangers he'd come up a-bobbin'
"Oh! I thought you were someone I knew."

He looked for her uptown and 'cross town and downtown,
from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Jersey Shore.
It all seemed in vain, till he heard the refrain
of the song Alice sang of yore.

Johnnie, oh Johnnie!
Your Alice Bluebonnet
will always be waiting for you.
So don't give up hoping and don't give up dreaming
for true love will come smiling through.

Johnnie kept yearning, he kept on returning
to the window of the department store.
His voice became hushed, he was literally crushed,
and it started to rain and pour.

Each place he went he kept calling,
too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo!
His spirits kept falling and falling
for his Alice was nowhere in view.

But hey nonny nonny, an ice man found Johnnie
and he cut him to fit on his horse's ears.
'Twas done without malice for beside him was Alice
and they lived on for years and years.

You Johnnie Fedora's, you Alice Bluebonnet's,
whenever you find yourself blue.
You'll find it's June in December if you'll just remember
that true love will come smiling through.

That true love will come smiling through!
Current Rating 0.0 (0 votes)
Played on 1 show:
02-12-13, #BWR-13-02-12
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