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Song Details
Duration: 2:15 
Release Date: 1997  (sfjpk30) 
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Song Lyrics:
Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here

It's just five days till Christmas
I haven't done a thing
Don't even have a Christmas tree

I am panicking
Most lots are all sold out
I search until the night
I end up with a grubby shrub with a case of blight

Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here

It's four days till Christmas
Still have to decorate
Spend hours in the basement
Until I find the crate

Of lights and bulbs and popcorn strings
Tangled in a knot
Then I spend the day separating what I've got

Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here

It's three days till Christmas
I spent all day writing cards
I started writing letters now I just say best regards
I shove 'em in a mailbox and to the mall I go

To get gifts for Jim and Jane and
Tim and Uncle Joe
(and aunt Mavis and Grandma and ....)

Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here

Two days till Christmas
A million things to do
Clean the house
Put on tea, company is due

Where are my relatives
Why haven't they shown up
I bet they're at the airport
I forgot to pick them up

Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here
Christmas is almost here

Christmas is here
It's finally Christmas
The kids wake me up at five
I fall downstairs a messy haired zombie, half-alive

Spend all day serving company
Then fall down inert
If these are my holidays
I'd rather stay at work
Current Rating 8.5 (3 votes)
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