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  • From The Hit Feature Film National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (kahnman)
  • Song Lyrics:
    It's that time, Christmas time is here
    Everybody knows, there's not a better time of year
    Hear that sleigh, Santa's on his way
    Hip, hip hooray, for Christmas vacation
    Gotta a ton of stuff to celebrate
    Now it's getting closer, I can't wait
    Gonna make this holiday as perfect as can be
    Just wait and see this Christmas vacation
    This old house, sure is looking good
    Got ourselves the finest snowman in the neighborhood
    Ain't it fun, always on the run
    That's how it's done on Christmas vacation
    Lets all deck the halls and light the lights
    Get a toasty fire buring bright
    Give St. Nick the warmest welcome that he's every had
    We're so glad it Christmas vacation
    And when the nights are peaceful and serene
    We can cuddle up and do our Christmas dreaming
    Christmas vacation
    Christmas vacation
    Christmas vacation
    We're so glad it's Christmas vacation
    Fa, la, la, la, la and ho, ho, ho
    Jingle, jangle, jingle as we go
    Let the spirit of the season carry us away
    Hip, hip, hooray for Christmas Vacation
    Current Rating 0.0 (0 votes)
    Played on 2 shows:
    12-23-23, #KMCC-18-0912-13-15, #BWR-15-12-13
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