Release Date:
1946 (City Slicker)
Lyrics By:
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Released By:
RCA Victor (City Slicker)
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Facts: |
Vocal by Mickey Katz (City Slicker) |
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Song Lyrics: |
Gesundheit! Na zdorov'ye! A salute! Skål! L'chaim! Prosit!
Giveth me a cocktail, when I am low and droopy And then I'll dance a polka, and maketh lots of whoopee I worketh in a coal mine, things are pretty black But tonight the treat's on me, I casheth my pay check
Everybody have a drink, let's have fun togedder I got plenty money, go catch a double header Bartendle please take care my friends, drinks for ladies and gents I got all kinds money, toidy-two dollars and forty five cents
Haveth any thing you like, even rum and coketh Just give me glass plain whiskey, rum and coketh make me choketh Fill up your glass with wisniak, we gonna haveth great big picnic Everything she's in der pink, everybody have a drink
Everybody have a drink, don't nobody start trouble Some smart aleck liketh fight, I giveth trouble double I am peaceful tzitizen, don't like too drunk or maketh When I go too fast I pull the emergency braketh
That's the way I like it, lots of polkas lots of drinking Pretty soon you don't watch out, everybody stinking Bartendle why you holler, oh I owe you sixteen dollar! Turn on the water in the sink, everybody have a drink. (Shalom) |
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(2 votes)
Played on 13 shows: |
| 03-13-17, #OTR-3-11 | | 07-18-93, #93-29 |
| 07-12-14, #14-28 | | 03-29-87, #87-13 |
| 05-25-13, #13-21 | | 03-16-86, #KMET-86-11 |
| 01-07-12, #12-01 | | 10-07-84, #84-41 |
| 01-18-98, #98-03 | | 02-20-83, #83-08 |
| 07-07-96, #96-27 | | 09-21-80, #80-38 |
| 03-27-94, #94-13 | | |
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