Release Date:
Lyrics By:
Bob McAllister
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Facts: |
In 1961, Stuart Hample published the lyrics of his song, Boodleheimer, in "The Silly Book." A closely resembling version of the song was created by Wonderama host Bob McAllister as intro and outro music for his character Prof. Fingelheimer. Fingelheimer was a German-accented inventor who showed off his latest creations.
As intro and outro music of the Fingelheimer sketches, the lyrics of his song were sung by Bob and the children in the audience. (davidtanny) |
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Song Lyrics: |
Fingelheimer, Fingelheimer, Fingel-Dingel-Heimer, Fingelheimer, Fingelheimer, Fingel-Dingel-Heimer. The more you Fingel, the less you Heimer, The less you Heimer, the more you Fingel. Fingelheimer, Fingelheimer, Fingel-Dingel-Heimer. (davidtanny) |
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