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I Still Get Demented #12-17 Apr 28, 2012
Topic: New, New To You, and Requests

In two weeks, a supersized all-request Mother's Day show including the top 10 all-time list of funny mom songs as requested by you the listeners.

This show has 6 parts:

Part 1
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A True FanKarl Brown
Addicted to the Three StoogesMarvin Braun and the Brains
Curly and Moe (Larry and Shemp, and a Couple of Joes)Goofy Gary Arnold
Hey, Three Stooges!David Tanny
Betty Rubble 2012 versionSteve Goodie
Meet The FlintstonesStone Age featuring Linda Jo
Miss Information  [only known play]Stevens and Grdnic
Ant-ManInsane Ian
Battle Of New OrleansLonnie Donegan
Classic Rock Cutoff DatePower Salad
Early's Been ProbedPerley Curtis
Free Beer Polka  [first known play]Chardon Polka Band
ZilchThe Monkees
Garbageman  [only known play]Greg Klyma
Gas Prices Gone WildAmerican Comedy Network
I'll Eat Yer BrainBill Mills
Invitation To A FuneralMike Agranoff
Jackin' It in San Diego  [first known play]South Park
Just a Little GasTracy Lundgren
Neil Young Sings Fresh PrinceJimmy Fallon
Next week: New, New To You, and Requests

Listing added by:  davidtanny

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Show Facts:
D.T.'s Expanded Notes: Some notes that are too lengthy to include in the program. Back on April 25, 1972, I got my first of many cassette tape recorders. It was a birthday present. Back when I was a kid with the tape recorder, I once made my own mock radio shows. I taped segments from "The Electric Company", "Zoom", and some other TV shows, made up my own sketches, and called the made-up radio show "Fun Time," my first attempt at creating a radio show composed of bits of other TV shows. Tom Lehrer's two songs I played in the second bonus segment were featured on "Electric" seen on PBS TV stations between 1971 and 1978. Also in 1972, I taped an entire episode of "The Brady Bunch", though it was a rerun from six months before. It was the episode where Peter's voice begins to change at the wrong time, the time when his brother Greg was putting together The Brady Six with his brothers and sisters, and Greg had to write a song to include Peter's voice cracking up, thus, the song "Time To Change" was written to include Peter in the song. Also in the 1970s, a local top 40 radio station used to play some novelty records, and in the second set, I included two of them by Cheech and Chong and Ray Stevens. In the 1980s, I got a third or fourth tape deck (I lost track), and in 1982, I taped the first song off of the radio from a now defunct rock station. The song? "Valley Girl". On an alternative rock station, I taped "Nellie the Elephant" and "Rap Master Ronnie" in 1983 and 1984 respectively. Back in 1971 before I had a tape recorder, a country station was playing Jerry Reed's hit "Amos Moses", and since it was a funny song from back then, I included it as well. (davidtanny)
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Messages about the show: "I Still Get Demented #12-17 Apr 28, 2012"

davidtanny   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  04-26-12 02:32 AM  -  12 years ago
I'll leave out the playlist for a few days so you can have a chance to discover the playlist as it plays yourself just like it was back when we used to listen to shows on the radio.
Goofy Gary Arnold   Offline  -  Artist  -  04-30-12 06:47 PM  -  12 years ago
It's a double honor to be included twice on your show, thanx Dave. "Everyone's a Stooge" is a current favorite of mine, mostly because I like Carrie Dahlby's song so much. It's great to be a part of the global dementia wave.
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