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Rank this week: 10 (↑13)
Duration: 4:19 
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  • When Dr. Demento sings this many alternative verses have been used, most written by DrD, some written by listeners. These alternative verses sometimes relate to then current events. (Tim P. Ryan)
  • Song Lyrics:
    I have a sad story to tell you
    It may hurt your feelings a bit
    Last night when I walked into my bathroom
    I stepped in a big pile of

    Shaving cream, be nice and clean
    Shave everyday and you'll always look keen

    I think I'll break off with my girlfriend
    Her antics are ***** I'll admit
    Each time I say, "Darling, I love you"
    She tells me that I'm full of


    Our baby fell out of the window
    You'd think that her head would be split
    But good luck was with her that morning
    She fell in a barrel of


    An old lady died in a bathtub
    She died from a terrible fit
    In order to fulfill her wishes
    She was buried in six feet of


    When I was in France with the army
    One day I looked into my kit
    I thought I would find me a sandwich
    But the darn thing was loaded with


    And now, folks, my story is ended
    I think it is time I should quit
    If any of you feel offended
    Stick your head in a barrel of

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    Current Rating 9.0 (6 votes)
    Played on 110 shows:
    04-07-19, #OTR-5-1412-28-86, #KMET-86-52
    11-04-18, #OTR-4-4411-09-86, #86-45
    04-01-18, #OTR-4-1310-19-86, #KMET-86-42
    04-24-17, #OTR-3-1708-31-86, #86-35
    03-31-17, #WOTR_2706-29-86, #KMET-86-26
    11-06-16, #OTR-2-4306-08-86, #86-23
    04-09-16, #ISGD-16-1605-18-86, #KMET-86-20
    06-21-14, #AOTA-14062104-06-86, #86-14
    09-28-13, #13-3903-16-86, #KMET-86-11
    05-11-13, #AOTA-13051101-05-86, #KMET-86-01
    05-07-13, #BWR-13-05-0712-29-85, #85-52
    11-02-08, #08-4412-15-85, #85-50
    03-30-08, #08-1310-20-85, #KMET-85-42
    01-14-07, #07-0209-08-85, #85-36
    09-26-04, #04-3908-25-85, #KMET-85-34
    04-04-04, #XM-4507-21-85, #KMET-85-29
    03-31-03, #ISGD-03-1206-30-85, #85-26
    02-16-03, #03-0706-09-85, #KMET-85-23
    06-24-01, #01-2503-31-85, #85-13
    02-11-01, #01-0612-30-84, #84-53
    07-02-00, #00-2709-09-84, #84-37
    07-25-99, #99-3007-08-84, #84-28
    02-14-99, #99-0704-15-84, #84-16
    03-22-98, #98-1202-26-84, #84-09
    10-12-97, #97-4101-01-84, #84-01
    03-09-97, #97-1009-11-83, #83-37
    09-15-96, #96-3707-03-83, #83-27
    03-24-96, #96-1204-10-83, #83-15
    03-26-95, #95-1302-20-83, #83-08
    01-23-94, #94-0401-02-83, #KMET-83-01
    07-25-93, #93-3009-05-82, #82-36
    04-04-93, #93-1408-08-82, #82-32
    11-22-92, #92-4706-20-82, #82-25
    08-30-92, #92-3505-23-82, #82-21
    12-29-91, #91-5204-11-82, #82-15
    12-29-91, #KLSX-91-5212-27-81, #KMET-81-52
    11-17-91, #91-4612-06-81, #81-49
    09-01-91, #91-3510-25-81, #81-43
    04-28-91, #91-1710-04-81, #81-40
    12-02-90, #90-4808-16-81, #81-33
    09-09-90, #90-3607-05-81, #81-27
    07-22-90, #90-2905-31-81, #81-22
    04-01-90, #90-1304-19-81, #81-16
    01-28-90, #90-0402-15-81, #81-07
    01-07-90, #KLSX-90-0101-04-81, #81-01
    05-28-89, #89-2212-28-80, #80-52
    01-22-89, #89-0412-28-80, #KMET-80-52
    09-11-88, #88-3710-12-80, #80-41
    05-29-88, #88-2208-24-80, #80-34
    01-03-88, #88-0108-10-80, #80-32
    12-27-87, #87-5207-20-80, #80-29
    10-18-87, #87-4206-29-80, #80-26
    06-14-87, #87-2406-15-80, #80-24
    03-29-87, #87-1305-11-80, #80-19
    12-28-86, #86-5210-08-78, #78-34
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    Messages about the song: "Shaving Cream"
    Halfshell   Online  -  Artist  -  01-20-18 02:38 PM  -  7 years ago
    I'll respect the wishes

    Stavro Arrgolus:

    This is Barry's signature tune that he makes himself for his show. There are dozens of various versions of it made by him over the decades. Many of them were topical for the time. They involved things like the weather, sports, that episode's topic - there was even a verse about Trump made years before this political sh*tstorm we're experiencing now.

    If more than one is added, all of them have to be hunted down and added as well. A pointless endeavor since Wayne already has copies of most if not all of them in the archive already. He sensibly chose for there not to be 30 or 40 pages for every lyrical variation of this song using the same music and I'm with him on this.

    So we'd appreciate it if you didn't try to add some or all of them.


    Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  01-20-18 02:33 PM  -  7 years ago

    This is Barry's signature tune that he makes himself for his show. There are dozens of various versions of it made by him over the decades. Many of them were topical for the time. They involved things like the weather, sports, that episode's topic - there was even a verse about Trump made years before this political sh*tstorm we're experiencing now.

    If more than one is added, all of them have to be hunted down and added as well. A pointless endeavor since Wayne already has copies of most if not all of them in the archive already. He sensibly chose for there not to be 30 or 40 pages for every lyrical variation of this song using the same music and I'm with him on this.

    So we'd appreciate it if you didn't try to add some or all of them.


    Halfshell   Online  -  Artist  -  01-20-18 02:11 PM  -  7 years ago

    I found a different version of this song from Dr. D.

    May I add it?

    Version 1:

    Version 2: one already posted here.

      Offline  -   -  04-19-05 04:25 AM  -  19 years ago
    Sorry, but I always liked Benny Bell's version than this one.
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