Detailed Album Track List
01. "DFSX Radio Jingle" (2009) - a rerecording of the DFSX jingle
02. "Starr Mopp Warrs" (2008 mix) - Ragg Mopp done with Star Wars characters.
03. "TV Love" (2008 mix) - a song dedicated to the catch phrases of most of the TV shows of the 1970s.
04. "Dead Kennys" (2008 mix) - one of the first South Park songs to come out in 1998. It's a parody of Odgen Edsl's "Dead Puppies". A funny tribute to "South Park."
05. "All Out of Pups" (2008 Mix) - a partial blending of the Ogden Edsl song "Dead Puppies" with original parody lyrics into the melody of Air Supply's "All Out of Love". The opening riff of Air Supply's 1980 song "All Out of Love" may have been inspired by Ogden Edsl's dementia classic from 1978 "Dead Puppies." This song is about a hapless dog lover who can't keep a puppy he buys from a pet shop from dying a horrible death.
06. "Pirate Radio" (2008 mix) - a tribute to all of the pirate radio broadcasters in America that are hitting corporate radio where it hurts, especially longtime local San Diego pirate Free Radio San Diego at 96.9 FM.
07. "What if Your Wife Was a Man" (2006 mix) - a parody of a Carla Ulbrich hit "What if Your Girlfriend Was Gone", which was parodied by her into "What If Your Butt Was Gone."
08. "Bars" (2004 mix) - a parody of Gary Numan's 1980 new wave hit "Cars". The song celebrates going to a bar to drink and have fun.
09. "I'm a Pac-Man" (take 1, with sound FX) - this time, the video game character gets to sing the video game blues.
10. "Centipede" (2006 mix) - a parody of the J. Geils Band hit "Centerfold" from 1981 with the lyrics changed into the subject of a major 80's arcade game.
11. "All Out of Pups" (2004 Mix) - a partial blending of the Ogden Edsl song "Dead Puppies" with original parody lyrics into the melody of Air Supply's "All Out of Love". The opening riff of Air Supply's 1980 song "All Out of Love" may have been inspired by Ogden Edsl's dementia classic from 1978 "Dead Puppies." This song is about a hapless dog lover who can't keep a puppy he buys from a pet shop from dying a horrible death.
12. "Fump" (take 1) - a song about a Funny Music Project website.
13. "Demented Music" (2008 mix) - a parody of "American Music" made famous by The Violent Femmes. It's a dead-on lyrical parody and imitation of the original song that celebrates demented music.
14. "I'm Doing Nothing For Christmas Intro" (2004) - just the introuduction of the following song.
15. "I'm Doing Nothing For Christmas" (2008 mix) - it features a man who is so turned off by the holiday hype and commercialism that he decides to skip the holiday and do nothing for Christmas.
16. "I'm Doing Nothing For Christmas" (2008 mix, just talking) - it's simply the talk bits plus some extra talk bits not included in the song above.
17. "Dead Kennys" (original 1998 mix) - one of the first South Park songs to come out in 1998. It's a parody of Odgen Edsl's "Dead Puppies". A funny tribute to "South Park."