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Artist Details

Mike Geier
Date Born/Group Began:
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Also Known As:
Puddles Pitty Party (Halfshell)

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Messages about the artist: "Mike Geier"

Halfshell   Offline  -  Artist  -  11-01-17 07:13 AM  -  6 years ago
I figured out how to cross reference artists with more than one persona, without doubling the music pages themselves.
Dave AuJus   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  11-02-17 02:33 PM  -  6 years ago
So would this work for Mark Jonathan Davis?


I figured out how to cross reference artists with more than one persona, without doubling the music pages themselves.
Halfshell   Offline  -  Artist  -  11-03-17 08:15 PM  -  6 years ago
It Should, i just need to know what songs go under his main name and what goes under richard cheese
Dave AuJus   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  11-03-17 09:13 PM  -  6 years ago

OK I'll try to look that stuff up and post it on his artist page.


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