The David Dubowski One Man Band
Date Born/Group Began:
6/15/1985 (as Crazy Dave)
Date Died/Group Ended:
hiatus 8/1/1991, REBORN 6/1/2005
Also Known As:
The Original Crazy Dave (11/17/2005), The David Dubowski One Man Band (6/26/2007) (davidwhy) |
You have never heard anything like this, unless you are a collector of Song-Poems! Each of the first 21 songs on the first disc began as a poem received by email, then set to music by the one-man-band of David Dubowski. It's all done from his home, with lots of real drums, guitar, bass, percussion, and an eight track multitrack digital recorder with only a smattering of drum machine. The sound is, well, hard to classify. Some are rockers, some are pop, one was made to sound like Hendrix and three were made to sound like the Fab Four. Tracks 1-21 started as poems from Michael Gregorovich, Jeff Richardson, Pete Bilderback, Gary Murtha, Peggy Plumley, Janet Jongeblood, Tony Vosik, Tony Downs and Cameo Castle, Anil Melnick, Paul Lundstrom, and Andrea Sullivan. Michael Gregorovich also wrote the music for Rich and Famous & Painting The Town. Then David Dubowski set them to music and the result is the classic song-poem sound. They differ from historic song-poems in that much care and time was taken to make them as good as possible, even though they were all recorded at home. Amyy Keith gives some nice female vocals on several of these little gems. The second disc has more songs by Karen Andrews and Jeff Richardson. There are some non-songpoem bonus tracks at the end of each disc, even some from the ancient pre-digital days of 1985. No matter what, song-poems are the most unusual genre of music history!
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