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Sarcasticus Maximus's Blog

Topic: AN ELECTION! Can we fix it?

Sarcasticus Maximus   Offline  -  Member  -  10-25-08 05:29 PM  -  16 years ago
Hear and download both my Obama parodies at "My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists." Jean Rostand (1894 - 1977), Journal of a Character, 1931 Here's my music video:

Member Comments:

AliceWonderland   Offline  -  Member  -  10-30-08 01:02 AM  -  16 years ago
Sarcasticus Maximus: --- Here's a gem from the right: radarski: --- The video is well done but IMHO the content is tripe. Might play well with the Limbaugh and Palin crowd. There are a lot of great and funny left leaning videos currently out there. I haven't seen anything even half-way funny from the right.
Sarcasticus Maximus   Offline  -  Member  -  10-30-08 12:14 AM  -  16 years ago
Here's a gem from the right: radarski: --- The video is well done but IMHO the content is tripe. Might play well with the Limbaugh and Palin crowd. There are a lot of great and funny left leaning videos currently out there. I haven't seen anything even half-way funny from the right.
Sarcasticus Maximus   Offline  -  Member  -  10-30-08 12:07 AM  -  16 years ago
Not necessarily from the right, but here's a favorite:
radarski   Offline  -  Member  -  10-29-08 08:23 PM  -  16 years ago
The video is well done but IMHO the content is tripe. Might play well with the Limbaugh and Palin crowd. There are a lot of great and funny left leaning videos currently out there. I haven't seen anything even half-way funny from the right.

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