TeiscoDelRey's Blog
Topic: The Gekkos first album
fiogf49gjkf0d Well, the album has been out now for like a month and a half and I have yet to set up the CDbaby account or secure palces for people to download the tracks. I guess i'm eventually gonna have to get on that if I want to gather the funds to release album 2
Member Comments:
fiogf49gjkf0d I'm going as fast as I can!!! This summer's pretty hectic for me as I'm trying to set up shop for album, get a website for the band, record album two and release demos on the fump.
oddaustin: --- Yes, do that, and do it now. I want to buy me some tracks.
fiogf49gjkf0d Yes, do that, and do it now. I want to buy me some tracks.
fiogf49gjkf0d I'm sure if you email Captain Wayne, he would be glad to help you set up shop here at TMMA.