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Tyro Arrgula's Blog

Topic: Editor's Blog- (11/17) That'll Do Pig, That'll Do

Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  10-08-10 04:54 PM  -  14 years ago
November 17 - 7:15 pm EST

N ow that the old site has had a bit of repair, it's now possible for the main account I'm using to post and repair things again...occasionally. This means this alternate account can go back to participant status and Vyslo can stick to video sites. It got a bit confusing for me to see Vyslo on something other than a video site, so I'm changing the name of this account to something more fitting for this type of site.

In other news, the drop down boxes on the homepage are working again.

..Of course, if the site slows down and I need him again, Viscount Vyslo will be back.

October 23 - 1:30 am EDT

Say it...

I can't post an update on my own blog to save my ass. So I'm taking that step to the right and moving my ass over to old Uncle Vyslo's blog where every attempt to save this doesn't result in an error. This alternate account now has editor (but not mod) status without too many errors, so it'll be used to do the blogging and other posting.

All this is to bring you an update on how the new site is progressing. This week, Wayne installed many of the necessary functional pages and chose some nice colors that breathe a bit of warmth into the look of the whole thing. And the font's a little bigger and easier to read. I guess he knew I wouldn't stop bugging him about it until... well, never mind all that.

Many function pages and programming thingies got installed and the site's still fast,fast,fast. He hasn't gotten to the musical portion of things yet, but he's about to.

When all the functions vital to the site are finished, the new site will go live and the old one will come down. Since only the important things will be there, the site will be tested again to make sure everything works and there are no MS update bugs to deal with. Only when everyone's satisfied that everything's ok will we add blogs, the store, MadSpaces, news/events and other such things. Maybe then we can have a Xmas show or 3.

"You won't wear a shirt and you'll cry..."

A quick Patton Oswalt reference there.

This is the blog for my other account made to test the site functions so I wouldn't have to risk screwing up the main one. This test is to see if blogging is faster with a member or participant status since I seemed to be getting errors that the others weren't.

Viscount Vyslo Arrgula sez...

"Buy more Rubber Hamsters™ this Halloween! I get a large percentage and I need a new roof! ..And get off my lawn!"

Member Comments:

Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  11-17-10 09:17 PM  -  14 years ago
Big bats down to one five five. Over cross, up the thing no. Nose, baseball, hieroglyphics, hopscotch, pouch. Inevitably, two four eight, four eight, four eighth. I, I, with a two two two, three four five. Down here, Mother. We're all home now. So long, Jill. Beep beep. Hungry hungry, are you? I couldn't stand it. Not in my house. Up yours too, Don. He's packin' them in. We'll all try it. Fifty fifty. Okay, but not me.
Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  10-31-10 05:30 PM  -  14 years ago
And I revived the 'aardvarks' thread to make a pitch for it.

There were 818 last Halloween.. But by that time, we had gotten 200 or so back during October. Not this year. Also, the mass e-mail that December was particularly successful and we got back far more than I had expected. 1000 more joined because of it.

It's still possible to have the new site working by the time of the annual e-mail. It'll all have to be very impressive if we want our membership back this year. The pitch will have to say "No more glacial loading" "loading problems are fixed" "No more errors" and all that sort of thing.

Though right now, I'm thinking "How will I ever get this post through without 20 error screens?" What I'll have to do is copy this post and try to post it over and over until it gets through. And this is why we have only 256 members right now.
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  10-31-10 04:52 PM  -  14 years ago
It's Halloween and The Mad Music Archive looks haunted deserted. Nobody hear to listen to our Halloween shows.

What was membership last year at Halloween? Near 1024? Today 256.
Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  10-23-10 01:36 AM  -  14 years ago
This blog will be reincorporated into the main one when the main account can blog (or post anything) without constant errors again. This part may be a while as it's not really a priority. Getting the site working and having shows and forums is the important thing right now.
Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  10-19-10 07:59 PM  -  14 years ago
And now, the final phase of the experiment..BWAHAHHAHAHAHA!!

The alternate account is given editor status and no other options to see if it bogs down like the main one does. At this point, Stavro can't even get pages to load in FF.

If it bogs down, the account will be put back to 'participant' (which has been working ok) and the experiment ends. If it's functional, this account will be used instead of the main one until it becomes unreliable or until the new site is activated, since both accounts work there, after which time the new account will no longer be needed.

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