Yes, something's afoot alright! I'm in the process of moving the site to a new 64-bit server. Some of you know that this was tried once before but we had a bunch of problems. Well, I just spent the last 6 months rewriting the entire site so that it will work this time!
Other than just moving the site, I'l adding/changing a whole slew of things. Some include:
* New graphics for Next and Previous buttons
* A new full-featured message editor with spell-checker
* Replacing the Flash-based music player with an HTML5 one
* Allowing playing of full songs if they are Creative Commons licensed
* Allowing download of songs if they are Creative Commons licensed (at 128k max only)
* A fully mobile-friendly version - so you don't have to ZOOM UP ON EVERYTHING! :)
* and more!
Stay tuned for more info!