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Tyro Arrgula's Blog

Topic: Editor's Blog - Ethel The Aardvark Goes Quantity Surveying

Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  03-29-18 09:10 PM  -  6 years ago

March 29, 2018 - 9 pm EDT

E thel the Aardvark was trotting down the lane one lovely summer day, trottety-trottety-trot, when she saw a Quantity Surveyor...START AGAIN.

Vampires don't sparkle, idiotic Millennial sacks of sh...GET ON WITH IT!

...He's no fun...

Ok, I know what you're thinking. "Where the hell are the new Mad Music Hours?" It seems that Uncle Stavro (after a couple of years) finally got sick of the horrid mess of paid bills & unsorted mail in his house that made it look like he was a hoarder...of mail. Or something. 

He took a little too much inspiration from the title of the new show, "Do What You Can With What You Have Where You Are" and decided to apply it to the mess in his house instead of making shows. 

It took weeks to collect/sort/shred all the bills, receipts and everything else. Some of it went back quite a few years. There are still stacks of papers neatly sorted lying about, but the mess is gone. What's more, he only found 3 zombie corpses under the mail piles left over from past Halloween Mad Music Shows (with a bit of Tabasco sauce, they were delicious).

All was sparkly clean after that...right after he did 5 months of dirty dishes. And vacuumed up the massive herd of dust bunnies found under all that mail/dead computers/zombie corpses. And took that half inch of dust off all the furniture.

In short (too late), he got disgusted with his surroundings and went on a mad cleaning spree.

All this never stopped Uncle from site editing, just making shows. He's still exhausted from the herculean effort, but at least the old fart got some exercise. Maybe now he can get on with recording the long complete show 225....maybe.   

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