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Manic Mondays, Episode 75, September 25, 2006
Topic: Freakin' Funny Bye Bye

Funny music, News Of The Stupid, Jake, Jesus, and Visa.

This show has 1 part:

Part 1
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MySpaceJake Waters
Fire  [first known play]Richard Cheese
F***in A, I Love Jesus (uncensored)  [first known play]Watt White
Dear Visa  [first known play]Throwing Toasters


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Messages about the show: "Manic Mondays, Episode 75, September 25, 2006"

peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  09-25-06 05:47 PM  -  18 years ago
Take that uncensored warning seriously folks!
Eikey1729   Offline  -  Member  -  09-26-06 04:02 PM  -  18 years ago
Sweet! I almost got fired!

gonna have to listen to that one at home, on headphones....

away from the "religeous" wife ;)

--- peterpuck9
Take that uncensored warning seriously folks!
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