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Song Details
Duration: 2:40 
Release Date: 2005  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: McKee/Gunn (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Lynn Ahrens (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By: Andrew McKee/Marc Gunn (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Released By: Mage Records (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By:
  • It's no stretch of the imagination to know that this was written by and for Gen Xers. A medieval theme set to a Schoolhouse Rock tune peppered with '70s & '80s pop culture references. 'Crom' was the barbarian god in 'Conan the Barbarian'. 'Frak' and 'felgercarp' were network safe 'sci-fi swear words' used in the first 'Battlestar Galactica' in the late '70s. The same concept gave us 'smeg'- used in the 'Red Dwarf' series 9 years later. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Although there was a truce in effect, (uh-huh)
    The enemy was not held in check.
    They launched an invasion without explanation,
    Then the guard started yelling some exclamations:
    Halt! Who goes there?
    Alarm! We're under attack!
    Ack! I am killed!

    Exclamations! (Halt!)
    With passion! (Alarm!)
    And emotion! (Ack!)
    They're generally used in front of a sentence
    As a point of emphasis,
    Or when you simply need to blow off steam.

    The dragon was awakened from sleep (uh-huh)
    And so he took it out on our keep.
    With one exhalation caused a burning sensation
    And the dragon started using some exclamations:
    Ha! Take that, you puny humans!
    Einstitch! Where are the peasants?
    Smeg! Point that ballista elsewhere!

    Exclamations! (Ha!)
    With passion! (Einstitch!)
    And emotion! (Smeg!)
    They're generally used in front of a sentence
    As a point of emphasis,
    Or when you simply need to blow off steam.

    So if you're English: Huzzah!
    Or Scot: Moot!
    A pirate: Ahrrrr!
    Or fop: Sink me!
    Barbarian: Crom!
    Or not: Frak!
    An exclamation gets the point across!

    We started the rebellion at two; (uh-huh)
    By four that afternoon, we were through.
    The monarch's cessation caused a sense of elation
    And the ex-king shouted some exclamations:
    Odin's beard! You'll pay for this!
    Fie! A pox upon thee!
    Pleeeeeeeeeeeease don't kill me!

    Exclamations! (Odin's beard!)
    With passion! (Fie!)
    And emotion! (Pleeeease!)
    They're generally used in front of a sentence
    As a point of emphasis,
    Or when you simply need to blow off steam.

    So if you're English: Huzzah!
    Or Scot: Hoot!
    A pirate: Ahrrrr!
    Or fop: Sink me!
    Barbarian: Crom!
    Or not: Felgercarp!
    An exclamation gets the point across!

    Exclamations! With passion! And emotion!
    They're generally used in front of a sentence
    As a point of emphasis,
    Or when you simply need to blow off steam.

    Exclamations! With passion! And emotion!
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    Crikey! That's the end!
    (Sonic SBL)
    Current Rating 9.9 (2 votes)
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