Played on 91 shows: |
| 12-17-22, #KMCC-17-08 | | 06-17-07, #07-24 |
| 10-02-20, #WOTR_193 | | 03-03-07, #ROTP_132 |
| 02-14-19, #MMS-231 | | 02-19-07, #MM-96 |
| 06-26-18, #MMP-52 | | 12-31-06, #ISGD-06-92 |
| 12-08-17, #WOTR_63 | | 12-04-06, #MM-85 |
| 03-08-17, #ISGD-17-10 | | 07-23-06, #MMS-37 |
| 12-18-15, #MMDT20_15-51 | | 04-08-06, #ROTP_085 |
| 08-01-15, #ISGD-15-32 | | 03-26-06, #MM-51 |
| 03-15-15, #BWR-15-03-15 | | 03-12-06, #06-11 |
| 03-14-15, #15-11 | | 02-25-06, #ROTP_079 |
| 03-08-15, #BWR-15-03-08 | | 02-11-06, #ROTP_077 |
| 08-23-14, #ISGD-14-48 | | 02-04-06, #ROTP_076 |
| 02-11-14, #MMP-28 | | 01-22-06, #06-04 |
| 03-16-13, #AOTA-130316 | | 01-07-06, #MMS-12 |
| 03-12-13, #BWR-13-03-12 | | 12-31-05, #ROTP_071 |
| 11-25-12, #MMS-158 | | 12-31-05, #ISGD-05-93 |
| 05-03-12, #ISGD-12-18 | | 12-03-05, #ROTP_067 |
| 03-17-12, #AOTA-120317 | | 10-02-05, #05-40 |
| 03-15-12, #ISGD-12-11 | | 08-28-05, #05-35 |
| 01-14-12, #MMP-11 | | 06-12-05, #MM-12 |
| 01-02-11, #MMP-3 | | 04-13-05, #MM-4 |
| 12-19-10, #MMP-1 | | 04-25-04, #XM-48 |
| 12-17-10, #ROTP_330 | | 03-28-04, #04-13 |
| 11-12-10, #ROTP_325 | | 01-14-04, #KMCC_1-01 |
| 11-12-10, #MMDT20_10-46 | | 11-24-03, #XM-27 |
| 12-01-09, #KMCC_6-04 | | 11-18-03, #ISGD-03-48 |
| 08-09-09, #MMCZ-09-30 | | 11-17-03, #ISGD-03-47 |
| 08-02-09, #MMCZ-09-29 | | 11-11-03, #ISGD-03-46 |
| 03-13-09, #MMDT20_09-11 | | 11-10-03, #ISGD-03-45 |
| 03-01-09, #MMCZ-09-08 | | 11-03-03, #ISGD-03-43 |
| 02-15-09, #MMCZ 09-06 | | 10-21-03, #ISGD-03-42 |
| 02-01-09, #MMCZ 09-04 | | 10-20-03, #ISGD-03-41 |
| 01-18-09, #MMCZ-09-02 | | 09-25-03, #MMCZ-03-09 |
| 01-11-09, #MMCZ-09-01 | | 09-11-03, #MMCZ-03-08 |
| 01-04-09, #MMCZ-2008 | | 09-04-03, #MMCZ-03-13 |
| 12-13-08, #MMCZ_XMAS08B | | 08-18-03, #XM-13 |
| 08-30-08, #MMCZ_SP01 | | 07-17-03, #MMCZ-03-03 |
| 03-16-08, #08-11 | | 07-06-03, #03-27 |
| 12-22-07, #ROTP_174 | | 06-16-03, #XM-04 |
| 09-08-07, #ROTP_159 | | 03-16-03, #03-11 |
| 08-31-07, #MMDT20_07-34 | | 03-09-03, #03-10 |
| 08-24-07, #MMDT20_07-33 | | 11-24-02, #02-47 |
| 08-17-07, #MMDT20_07-32 | | 11-03-02, #02-44 |
| 08-10-07, #MMDT20_07-31 | | 08-25-02, #02-34 |
| 08-05-07, #MMS-88 | | 07-28-02, #02-30 |
| 08-03-07, #MMDT20_07-30 | | |
| = Show you can listen to online |
A Faire-ly Informative Interlude
A Fairy Story
A Prudent Thief
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Angel's Lament
Beer Beer Beer
Big Strong Man
Bog Down in the Valley (Live)
Buttercup's Lament
Christmas Time in Texas
Do Virgins Taste Better Medley
Donald, Where's Your Trousers?/What Do You Do with a Drunken Sailor?
Finnegan's Wake
Frog Kissin'
Greensleeves Medley
Happily Ever After
Health to the Company
If I Had a Million Ducats
If I Had a Million Ducats (Live)
Irish Ballad
Irish Ballad (Tom Lehrer's)
Irish Drinking Song for Cat Lovers
(with 'Brobdingnagian Barbs')
Jedi Drinking Song
Jedi Drinking Song Prequel (Live)
Johnny Jump Up
Leprechaun, The
Lily the Pink
Lusty Young Smith
Mendeluvium Madness
Mermaid Song, The
Monster Mash
None But a Harper
Old Dun Cow
Orange and The Green, The
Paddy McCollough
Psychopathic, Chronic, Schizophrenic Gollum Blues, The
(with 'Brobdingnagian Bards, The')
Santa Lucia
Scarborough Faire
Scotsman, The
Soul of a Harper
Unicorn Song, The
Whiskey in the Jar
Whisky in the Jar
Wild Mountain Thyme
Wild Rover
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