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Song Details
Duration: 3:05 
Release Date: 1982  (karlap) 
Lyrics By: Karl Brown and Matthew McQueen (karlap) 
Music By: Karl Brown and Matthew McQueen (karlap) 
Produced By: Dirk Dirksen and Automatic Pilot (karlap) 
Released By: Brown and McQueen Music (ASCAP) (karlap) 
Published By:
Licensing: ASCAP  #531460518 
  • Recorded live at the On Broadway Theater, San Francisco (karlap)
  • Advisory: explicit lyrics (karlap)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Sitting down
    You are drunk.
    Feeling me.
    With your hands.
    No, I don't
    Want to play with you.

    Why are you asking?
    Why are you asking?
    Why are you asking me?
    Why do you ask me?
    Why do you ask me?
    You know I'll just say no.

    Who do you thing you are?
    Trying to pick up a star?
    You're getting in my way.
    No, I don't want to
    Play with you.

    Doo doo doot, doot doot, etc.
    STOP IT!!

    I found me a hot one
    We started to have fun.
    Almost had him home.
    Then you got pushy
    Your lips were all mooshy
    Trying to find my bone.

    Now look what you've done!
    You've sent him on the run.
    We were having such a good time
    'Til you drove him off
    With your slime
    YOU FRIG!!

    **(Dance of the Troll)**

    Look at those wrinkles
    Look at that pinhead
    Look at that flabby roll.
    What did I do to
    Deserve to be hit on
    By such a hideous troll?

    Why don't you just go home?
    Leave me alone.
    I think your breath smells like ***
    Sucked from the bum of a bum
    YOU PIG!! (snork)

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