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Song Details
Duration: 2:34 
Release Date: 2003  (Sonic SBL) 
Lyrics By: Jim DeCaire & Jim Bellmore (Sonic SBL) 
Music By: Jim DeCaire & Jim Bellmore (Sonic SBL) 
Produced By: Da Yoopers (Sonic SBL) 
Released By: You Guys Records/Hoolie Man Music (Sonic SBL) 
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Song Lyrics:
I always wonder why my mother never farts
I worry that she'll light a match and blow herself apart
She gotta let out that gas or she'll blow up like a balloon
She might get poked with a pin and fly off to the moon

I never hear my mom fart
I think her bum is plugged
Or maybe she sneaks somewhere
And leaves them in a jug
I fart every day, that's a jillion times a year
Mama's stuff a zillion farts saved up in her rear

One time I smelled a fart that put me in a trance
It smelled like rotten eggs, I said, "Mom, go change your pants."
She said it wasn't her, that I must be the hog
I said, "It wasn't me", so she blamed it on the dog

I never hear my mom fart
I think her bum is plugged
Or maybe she sneaks somewhere
And leaves them in a jug
I fart every day, that's a jillion times a year
Mama's stuff a zillion farts saved up in her rear

Oh, she eats pasties and limburger cheese
Rotten old pig's feet that makes her sneeze
Lots of beans and-a cabbage too
So how come she don't fart like me and you?

So I went and asked my dad if it were really true
He said, "Yes, son. There's things women never do.
Women never fart, they also never lie."
Then he kinda smiled and let a loud one fly!

I never hear my mom fart
I think her bum is plugged
Or maybe she sneaks somewhere
And leaves them in a jug
I fart every day, that's a jillion times a year
Mama's stuff a zillion farts saved up in her rear

I never hear my mom fart
I never hear my mom fart
(Sonic SBL)
Current Rating 0.0 (0 votes)
Played on 1 show:
11-10-03, #ISGD-03-45
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