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Duration: 2:40 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Release Date: 1962  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: Bob Dorough (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Davis/Dorough (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By: Teo Macero (Tyro Arrgula) 
Released By: Columbia (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By: Irving Music/Sincere Music Co (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: BMI  #131096 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
An excellent cynically downbeat Xmas tune. For those who grew up with Schoolhouse Rock and identify the voice of Bob Dorough with Saturday morning television and not with jazz, you'll most certainly have a "WTF?" moment when first hearing this. Its style is all but identical to the 'Multiplication Rock' songs he would write 10 years later.- Stavro Arrgolus
  • According to Jack Chambers (Milestones: The Music and Times of Miles Davis), when Columbia wanted Davis to contribute a song to the 1962 "Jingle Bell Jazz" album, Davis complained to Dorough, "What the f*ck am I supposed to play for them? ‘White Christmas’?" (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Bob Dorough (1923-2018) was one of the many contributing vocalists and writers for Schoolhouse Rock. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Merry Christmas
    I hope you have a white one, but for me, it's blue

    Blue Christmas, that's the way you see it when you're feeling blue
    Blue Xmas, when you're blue at Christmastime
    you see right through,
    All the waste, all the sham, all the haste
    and plain old bad taste

    Sidewalk Santy Clauses are much, much, much too thin
    They're wearing fancy rented costumes, false beards and big fat phony grins
    And nearly everybody's standing round holding out their empty hand or tin cup
    Gimme gimme gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme
    Fill my stocking up
    All the way up
    It's a time when the greedy give a dime to the needy
    Blue Christmas, all the paper, tinsel and the fal-de-ral
    Blue Xmas, people trading gifts that matter not at all
    What I call
    Bitter gall.......Fal-de-ral

    Lots of hungry, homeless children in your own backyards
    While you're very, very busy addressing
    Twenty zillion Christmas cards
    Now, Yuletide is the season to receive and oh, to give and ahh, to share
    But all you December do-gooders rush around and rant and rave and loudly blare
    Merry Christmas
    I hope yours is a bright one, but for me, it's blue
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
    Current Rating 8.4 (5 votes)
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    Messages about the song: "Blue Christmas (To Whom It May Concern)"
    Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  11-15-09 08:08 PM  -  14 years ago
    Not around here, they don't. Gotta go to those giant places where they have nothing but cheap Chinese crap ..and no selection to speak of. I forget what those dumps are called..
    peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  11-15-09 03:46 PM  -  14 years ago
    Do any kind of record stores still exist? :-(

    Tim P. Ryan:
    Found on the 1989 Rhino CD Hipsters' Holiday, which still may be stocked at better record stores. The collection of songs range from 1946 to 1967.
    Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  11-15-09 11:42 AM  -  14 years ago
    Found on the 1989 Rhino CD Hipsters' Holiday, which still may be stocked at better record stores. The collection of songs range from 1946 to 1967.
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