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Song Details
Duration: 7:43 
Release Date: 2004  (karlap) 
Lyrics By: Aaron Walz (karlap) 
Music By: Aaron Walz (karlap) 
Produced By: Walz Music (karlap) 
Released By: Light Soul Publishing (karlap) 
Published By:
Licensing: ASCAP  #391473173 
  • In the original CD album, several minutes of outtakes were included at the end of I Hate Cellphones, the final track of the album. (walzmusic)
  • From the album "miscommunication" (karlap)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Di di da di da
    I hate cellphones
    I just wanna scream
    When I hear their tones
    Di di da di da
    I swear I'm gonna break 'em
    When I hear them ringing
    It chills me to the bones

    I went to dinner
    just the other night
    I was spreading butter on a roll
    When I got a fright
    The décor was classy
    And so was the food
    But that cell phone person
    He was just plain rude
    It rang six times
    'Til he answered it
    People looked around
    To find the culprit
    Then he talked through
    Soup, entrée and dessert
    And his girl sat smiling
    But she thought he was a jerk


    Walking, running driving, eating,
    jogging, dancing, while on your phone
    Walking, running driving, eating,
    jogging, dancing, you all look like clones

    I hit up that girl
    And we went on a date
    So far so good
    Everything was going great
    I had her attention
    Was telling a story
    Then I heard her phone ring
    And it got gory
    She stopped me mid-sentence
    Entranced with her phone
    While she talked to some guy
    I was all alone
    While she was chattin'
    I looked into her eyes
    And then I realized
    She was not a prize


    Even when you use it when you should
    The reception's never good
    No one can hear a thing you say
    But you got a big bill to pay
    When you answer it you can never hear
    But you still buy one
    Out of fear

    ...wouldn't want to be different

    **(chorus x2)**

    Then on Sunday Matinee
    I got a good seat
    My friends had all told me
    That this movie'd be hard to beat
    I heard a conversation
    Not part of the scene
    I wanted to yell out cuss words
    But I'm not really mean
    Some guy was blabbing
    The dude next to me
    I stared at him incredulously
    Then I had an epiphany
    This was my final trial
    I grabbed his phone
    And threw it in the aisle!

    **(chorus x2)**

    Current Rating 9.3 (1 vote)
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    Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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