Facts: |
Parody of "A Little Bit Country and A Little Bit Rock and Roll" by Donnie and Marie Osmond. (peterpuck9) |
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Song Lyrics: |
I'm a Middle East country I'm a Middle Earth mountain troll I've got sunshine, deserts, and burqas I’m horrific but my wits are…kind of dull My name is Something-stan I swallow hobbits whole I'm a Middle East country I'm a Middle Earth mountain troll
I’m a little explosive I put dwarves in my Quaker Oats I’m a little ultra-religious I’m a little bit gruff with billy goats I’m disconcertingly quite real I might be fiction-ole I’m a Middle East country I’m a Middle Earth mountain troll
I offer camels, sand, and Muslims, and crude oil in rich supply If I stay out till the sun comes up, (then) I'll turn to stone and die
I'm moving slowly… To secular control I bash those freaking Wood-elves with a club like Whack-a-Mole Like me, you’re poor as dirt …Or rolling in the dough I’m a Middle East country I’m a Middle Earth mountain troll
I may have mostly flat topography, but my Crescent is Fer-tile I got a job at Hot Dwarf on a Stick (just) to dress in style
My people love me… By reflex or by force I barbecued my in-laws so my wife filed for divorce I’m arid and I’m extra-dry Not me! I’ve got B.O. I’m a Middle East country I’m a M- [Singing and music are interrupted, brought to a complete halt by Gandalf, who says:] “DAWN TAKE YOU ALL! AND BE STONE TO YOU!”
[Complete silence for a few seconds, as if that has ended the song, and then, spoken:]
“Who was that?” “My ex.” [Pause] “Oh.” [Followed immediately by the song resuming:] I’m a Middle East country! (And) I’m a Middle Earth mountain troll! [End.]
Lyrics courtesy of TheFuMP.com
(peterpuck9) |
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fiogf49gjkf0d Correction: Artist: Project Sisyphus f/ the great Luke Ski & Carrie Dahlby Title: A Middle East Country, A Middle Earth Mountain Troll
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