Release Date:
7/15/2008 (peterpuck9)
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George Bush: Come gather ‘round Dick,Condi, Scooter and Rove, It’s time to get packin’ we must hit the road! There’s war and recession and bad mortgage loans, Cheney: And our legacy needs savin’! Bush: So forget he’s a jackass who’s liberally prone, All: Oh, it’s time for some campaignin’
Hillary Clinton: Old party friends time to say “au revoir’ We failed to extinguish Barack’s rising star! Bill Clinton: You were so close my darlin’, Alas, no cigar… All: And now their tune is changin’! Hillary: I’ll be back in four years; heck it ain’t all that far! All: Oh, it’s time for some campaignin’
McCain: Gather conservatives lend me a hand, Unless you want this liberal wuss in command! I spent years in a rat whole in North Vietanam! All: Now the Jihad needs containin’! McCain: So forget my skin cancer and swollen left gland, All: Oh, it’s time for some campaignin’!
Barack: Gosh I’m so tired of divisive exchange, And I got one or two things to say about change, Like the change we must change to the change we hold dear I really like change; have I made myself clear? Hillary and McCain: So he’ll talk about change till you’re deaf in the ear! Barack and McCain: Oh, it’s time for some campaignin’!
All: Citizens gather from both far and near, For a ritual we practice every four years When we promise you anything you want to hear To win the crown we’re chasin’ We spend billions of dollars to make our points clear, To get you to step up and cast your vote here Then we spin you around and poke you in the rear! Oh, it’s time for some campaigin’! Yes, it’s time for some campaignin’! (ChrisWolvie) |
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Played on 11 shows: |
 | 12-27-08, #ROTP_227 |  | 08-29-08, #MMDT20_08-34 |
 | 11-01-08, #MMCZ_0145 |  | 08-15-08, #MMDT20_08-32 |
 | 09-26-08, #BR-08-38 |  | 08-09-08, #MMCZ_0084 |
 | 09-13-08, #ROTP_212 |  | 08-03-08, #08-31 |
 | 09-05-08, #MMDT20_08-35 |  | 07-21-08, #MM-167 |
 | 08-31-08, #08-35 | | |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
fiogf49gjkf0d Maybe they should update it and put Paris Hilton in.
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