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Song Details
Duration: 5:03 
Release Date: 2008  (artpaul) 
Lyrics By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Music By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Produced By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Released By: Rolling Tire Productions (artpaul) 
Published By: Steve Chappell (artpaul) 
Licensing: BMI  #13581596 (artpaul) 
Song Lyrics:
It's Another sellout I need money Walmart Rocksong
I know the employees are getting rip off
They might not even be getting any benefits other than cash
And they're getting rip off on how much money they should be getting paid
But Hey when I want to buy a good product that falls apart but I don't want to pay a lot of money
I got to find a place
and since Walmart is everywhere that's where I go
I'm sure I could buy some quality items maybe at a decent store that's not a chain
That's maybe a local place but those places are hard to find nowadays with Walmart is everywhere
And since there's going to be Walmart superstores you know it's going to be even harder so what do I do
I might even decide I need a job so I'll work for Walmart

It's another sellout I need money Walmart Rocksong
Hey they need all sorts of people that are willing to scrounge for them and work late hours for almost nothing and take home barely any money
You know and since I don't have any experience working at any decent place that might be the only place I can get a decent job at.
Well did I say decent ?
I don't know if that would really be a decent job
Yeah I'm not sure it would be

Anyways It's another sellout I need money Walmart Rocksong
Commercialism is taking over
Current Rating 10.0 (1 vote)
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