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Song Details
Duration: 4:58 
Release Date: 4/23/2009  (DJ Particle) 
Lyrics By: Below Average Dave (belowaveragedave) 
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  • Parody of I Would Do Anything for Love by Meatloaf (belowaveragedave)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Please I would do anything for cash
    I'd take any job, and that's a fact
    I would do anything for cash
    My rent's way past due, my windshield's cracked

    But I'll never take aim at stealing from you dear pal
    Oh no, please wait
    Oh I would do anything for cash
    but I won't do that
    Please I need some cash

    I'd do things that may seem sleazy
    I'd do stuff without regard
    I'd risk every limb and bone
    and if I survive I'll do it again

    I can be a date for hire
    Or walk barefoot across ice
    I'd even eat anything on Fear Factor, and say Amen

    My morals are hazy
    Cause I really need some food
    Oh I have a spending problem,
    so just tell me what to do

    It's money for which I'm yearning
    My credit cards all are burning
    I'll even lick dust right off your shoes
    As long as your paying

    Yes I would do anything for cash
    I would do anything for cash
    I would do anything for cash
    but I won't do that
    No I won't do that

    I would do anything for cash
    Even dig for stuff in the trash
    Just let me earn some cash

    I would do anything for dough
    Even massage them big fat toes
    I would even do. . .

    I'd risk the big city's violence
    or suck on a lump of coal
    I wish you could see I just need a check, yeah and that's my goal

    This ain't baloney
    I'm serious as can be
    It may sound quite silly
    Silly, but it's true, that much I plea

    There's not much I would be spurning
    I see your mind's thoughts are burning
    Just tell me what it is that I must do
    This isn't a joke no

    I would do anything for cash
    Even swallow lemon extract
    I'd run to town and get real trashed
    If that's what you want, and that's a fact

    but I always feel better when my work involves booze
    So wrong
    So wrong

    but Still I'd do anything for cash
    Yes I would do anything, just a-a-ask
    I would do anything for cash
    but please not that, no
    oh no,oplease not that

    (Random Person)
    Would you rake my barn?
    Would you eat canned spam?
    Would you run through Chicago with your clothes left in my hand?
    Would you love me though I'm twice as old?

    I can do that, oh yes please give me that cash

    (Another Random Person)
    Would you massage my bunions and forget to wear socks?
    Would you dust and clean my old grandfather, the tick (clock)?
    Would you lay on a cactus full grown?

    I can do that, Oh yes please give me that cash

    (Yet Another Random Person)
    Just after midnight, sneak into a crime ring
    I can promise you, this ain't no cop sting
    and I'll pay you in full when we're done

    I won't do that,
    Not the Desperate yet
    Current Rating 9.0 (2 votes)
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