Release Date:
2001 (artpaul)
Lyrics By:
Whimsical Will (artpaul)
Music By:
Whimsical Will (artpaul)
Produced By:
Whimsical Will (artpaul)
Released By:
Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul)
Published By:
Art Paul Schlosser Inc (artpaul)
CC (artpaul)
Facts: |
It's a comical narration using sound bites of recordings to answer back the narrator. (artpaul) |
Song Lyrics: |
It's Halloween time in dementia town: Wow, what a day
The dementites and dementotes are running around: Ow ow ow ow ow
There's Musical Mike with hands full of noise: (a bunch of noises)
And Good Time Gil with frightening toys: Da, da, da Good time Gil
The Holiday parties are all in full swing: Welcome foolish mortals
With bobbing for apples: (Water gargling)
And pin the tail on the thing: We're gonna stick in your yin yang
The Costumes are theme all tail and top hat: Looks like a penguin
I change into mine but where's the bathroom at: Ah, blow it out
My costume's designed to make your blood curl: Awwwww !
Part Scooby, part Shrek, part Power Puff Girl: Oh, this is attractive
My pumpkin is carved with the face of Demento: Thank you, Whimsical Will
My shaving cream beard and 2 eyes of Pimiento: I never seen nobody look that silly before
It's trick or treat smell my feet; I practiced what to say: (bell sound) trick or treat
But this year when I ring the bell, its: Kick ass USA
I made the rounds; my bag is full; I pick up quite a booty: Crust of black burnt butter toast, grisly bits of beefy roast
But now I must check carefully for razor blade or cootie: Let's see, saw off shotgun, knife, bludgeon, box of dum dum shells; nothing suspicious here
And yet my evening's not complete; there's one more house to see: Some say the place is haunted but you don't believe in such myths
The mansion 'neath the smogberry trees; home of Dr D: We find it delightfully unlivable here in this ghostly retreat
I neared the house so quietly not wanting any harm: Hey, I don't want no boot to the head
But as careful as my foot steps where I triggered the alarm: (an alarm sound)
I rang the door and knocked the bell for a friendly voice I's hoping: Hello
But as I turned to head back home, the door creaked slowly open: Hello something scary happening
I cleared my throat and clench my fist and offered trick or treat: Trick or Treat
But what I heard as my reply did knock me off my feet: Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich Have a Peanut butter Sandwich
What sound, what fright, what horror lurks in the heart of twisted men: Man this is spooksville
But just as I regain my strength, I heard those words again: Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich
Not man nor beast could make a sound so biting to the chore: It was terrible, just terrible and I'll never get over it as long as I live
And when I turned to make my brake, I heard that sound once more: Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich
I made it back in recorded time; my feet did fairly fly: I'm getting out of here
But all the while remembering that horrible reply: Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich
Now safe at home, I spend the night indulging in my treats: Burp
But something's wrong; I find no peace in ordinary sweets: Oh No !
That voice again sends messages resounding in my belly: Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich
Those words ring true what I must do, I'll have mine with jelly: Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha (artpaul) |
Current Rating
(5 votes)
Played on 12 shows: |
| 10-27-23, #OTR-8-03 | | 10-24-15, #ISGD-15-46 |
| 10-24-20, #AOTA-201024 | | 10-29-11, #11-44 |
| 10-11-20, #OTR-6-6 | | 10-24-04, #XM-74 |
| 10-28-18, #OTR-4-43 | | 10-19-03, #03-42 |
| 10-08-17, #OTR-3-41 | | 10-28-01, #01-43 |
| 10-29-16, #16-44 | | 10-21-01, #01-42 |
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