Facts: |
Catalog number is Berliner 151-Z. (samstokes80) |
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Song Lyrics: |
In a quiet little village, not so very far away, There lived a pretty maiden just as sweet as flow'rs of May, And ev'rybody said this little maid was so demure That she would be an angel certain sure, She was quite a model of propriety and dress, Always blushed when spoken to and answer'd no, or yes, Never had a beau or went to parties, no indeed, Never saw a novel she would read.
Henrietta, you are saintly, Always smile so very faintly, All your manners are so quaintly, When you wear the wings up yonder, Will you be so good, I wonder. Henrietta, I declare it, All my heart is yours, I swear it, If you would consent to share it, Henrietta! Have you met her? Who? Henrietta.
Henrietta, you're a corker, You're a wonder as a talker, When you fleece an old New-Yorker, First you take him, then you break him, then you do your best to shake him, Henrietta, you're a wonder, Bank accounts you smash like thunder, Never known to make a blunder, Henrietta! Have you met her? Who? Henrietta. (samstokes80) |
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