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Duration: 3:28 
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  • Submitted for A-Log's Sing-A-Song-Of-Stooge Contest. Parody of "Everything's a Song", by Carrie Dahlby. Even though this never charted, it is my personal favorite, and Carrie likes it too! :) (Goofy Gary Arnold)
  • Song Lyrics:
    To parody a Carrie Dahlby song, if I exist, I must be a Stooge,

    Face slaps and eye pokes and tweaks on the nose,
    And bonks on the head and pie fights,
    Are not only essential to 3 Stooges films,
    They can also be a part of real life,

    Numbskulls at restaurants and morons honking at traffic lights,
    And half-wits on their holidays,
    If the Stooges have taught me anything yet,
    It's that stupidity is rampant these days,

    'Cause everyone's a Stooge, (everyone's a Stooge)
    Just like Larry Moe and Curly,
    It's so totally true, (everyone's a Stooge)
    That people can be so squirrely,

    Telemarketers, viruses and internet scams,
    Everyone's a victim of coicumstance,
    And plumbers and doctors who don't have a clue,
    And bosses who can only tap dance,

    Lamebrains on their cell phones at the theatre,
    Knuckleheads and judgy wudgies,
    Niagra Falls and buttheads on all TV shows,
    Dumb guys and dumber guys and actors named Joe

    Besser is a Stooge, (everyone's a Stooge)
    Don't look now but you're surrounded,
    No one has a clue, (everyone's a Stooge)
    Everyone seems so confounded,

    And every IQ seems to be under 10,
    It's amazing how much people don't know,
    There's Stooges at Walmart and the video store,
    And every single place that you go,

    Some say we get dumber every day that we live,
    And everyone's eyes take on a glaze,
    And common sense isn't so common no more,
    And people demonstrate every day,

    That everyone's a Stooge, (everyone's a Stooge)
    Look out they’re all around you,
    People can be so rude, how wude, meesa Stooge also (Jar Jar Binks is a Stooge)
    The idiocy will astound you,

    Everyone's a Stooge, (everyone's a Stooge)
    If you tell them they won’t admit it,
    That they’re being a Stooge, (everyone's a Stooge)
    Everyone's full of baloney,

    Everyone's a Stooge, (everyone's a Stooge)
    They won’t ever get the point now,
    It just seems to be true, (everyone's a Stooge)
    I wish that they would shut up now,

    Dementia Radio's cool, (Dementia Radio's cool)
    Everyone should listen to it,
    Laughter keeps you sane, (Dementia Radio's cool)
    It keeps your brain from exploding,

    Dementia Radio. Coitenly, nyuck nyuck nyuck nyuck.
    (Goofy Gary Arnold)
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    Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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