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Song Details
Duration: 1:17 
Release Date: 1/29/2013 
Lyrics By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Music By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Produced By: Madison Media Institute (artpaul) 
Released By: Art Paul Schlosser Inc (artpaul) 
Published By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Licensing: BMI  #15602337 (DJ Particle) 
Song Lyrics:
Lead Zeppelin
Lead Zeppelin
I see it fly in the sky
If it falls
Better not let it fall on your eye

Lead Zeppelin
Lead Zeppelin
Their runned by hydrogen
They fly
High in the sky

Some people don't even know what a Lead Zeppelin is anymore
They think it's a Rock N Roll band
And they never seen the Good Year blimp

They think heavy metal
Is just music
They don't know that
Heavy metal is lead

Lead Zeppelin
Lead Zeppelin
They fly up in the sky
Don't let it fall on your head
Or end up in your eye

Current Rating 9.9 (1 vote)
Played on 1 show:
02-01-13, #MMDT20_13-05
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