No, it's not.
You can have a show with non-dementia in it, but when David Tanny or I run mundane tracks, we add them to the playlists without song or artistIDs. I recall asking nicely, and everyone was nice enough to do it this way ever since to help keep the archive demented. The last time I checked (which wasn't recently), this still worked.
The new site upgrade rules require an artistID with a track, but will remain ok if there isn't either kind of ID on a playlist. Unless it no longer works that way, don't add songs like this to the archive.
I need to eliminate this page (using my main account) so both playlist IDs need to come off this show's playlist track, then this page needs to be merged with something. It would be greatly appreciated if the playlist was changed by the show maker - I don't like messing with other show's playlists - but it's getting merged one way or the other...later today. I've annoying household tasks to do and I need to get to them now before I forget them completely again.