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Song Details
Duration: 2:45 (Tim P. Ryan) 
Release Date: 1932  (Tim P. Ryan) 
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  • Carson Robison did all the voices in this. He might have had to do them in real-time, as multi-tracking took a few more years to become reality. (Tim P. Ryan)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Everywhere you go, everyone you meet,
    All they talk about is this depression.
    They blame it on the war, they blame it on Wall Street,
    On politics and this administration.
    For two years now we've been assured good times are on the way,
    I wonder how much longer we must hear them talk this way?

    Prosperity is just around the corner!
    (What we'd like to know is which corner?
    We've turned so many corners now we're dizzy.)
    But still I'm positive we'll soon be busy!

    Why I read in Monday's paper that 10,000 men were hired!
    (Yes, but Tuesday they forgot to say 12,000 more were fired.)
    Well, I insist that this land of ours is stable!
    (Stable? sounds like horses to me!)

    Prosperity is just around the corner!
    (Did you say corner or coroner?)
    Our credit is still strong, no one can doubt it!
    (I guess my landlord don't know about it.)

    I see the market is going up, now you can't call that a joke!
    (I recollect one time before it went clear up in smoke.)
    This slump is just mostly imagination!
    (Yeah, well you just try to pay your grocery bill with that!)

    Now everyone is sure that they could find the cure,
    If they could be the one to run this nation.
    They'd put a bill right through, and show us what to do,
    To get the money back in circulation.
    They say if we would spend our dough bad business soon will end
    But they forgot to tell us where to get the dough to spend.

    Propserity is just around the corner.
    (Around the same corner with prohibition, I reckon.)
    Why, can't you understand why I'm so cheery?
    (Yes, just like I understand the Einstein theory.)
    But look at all the bumper crops the farmers have to sell,
    (And every time they get a crop the price goes plumb to ****.)
    Well, every cloud still has a silver lining.
    (But that don't line the pockets of your pants.)

    Still, prosperity is just around the corner.
    (And we still would like to know which corner.)
    Our nation will go down in history's pages.
    (We're going down all right, especially wages.)
    Why our banks are full of money, now you have to say I'm right.
    (Then we can get all we want if we just use dynamite.)
    You should fill your mind with optimism.
    (But that won't fill your basement with coal.)

    (Tim P. Ryan)
    Current Rating 9.0 (2 votes)
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