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Song Details
Duration: 3:24 
Release Date: 2004  (Sonic SBL) 
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Song Lyrics:
You look so pretty in all the magazines
The air brushes perfect if you know what I mean
Your videos are awesome and you sing so good too
At least that's what it sounds like when they process you
Your boyfriend is so hot, at least he was last week
You both looked so damn perfect until they let you speak
And then all of us find out what we didn't need to know
That you're really very stupid on your real life TV show

You're the queen of pop
And you'll never stop
Doing what you can to get your fans
And stay on top
You're the queen of pop
And you're so damn hot
Everything you do will make the news
So don't get caught

I'm sure you're still a virgin cuz the guys you date are gay
And you didn't get no implants, your chest just grew that way
You're showing off your body cuz you're not a girl no more
You get married and divorced in the same day, how mature!
CD sales are dropping and downloads don't look great
So make another movie, at least we'll get a laugh that way
Girl, you just keep goin' and no one seems to mind
You don't sing at your shows, so then hit me one more time

(chorus x2)

Someday you'll be a "has been" with a brother in the news
Who plays with little boys in ways nobody should
But I'm sure you'll be remembered as one of the best
So before you drop your record, be sure to bare your chest
Back to the little school girl who acts so innocent
Everytime I turn around, she makes it up again!
So when the lights are on and the camera's zooming in
Be careful who you kiss, we all know where she's been!

(chorus x3)
(Sonic SBL)
Queen of Pop--the Gonnabees(View Larger)

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