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Song Details
Duration: 2:54 
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Song Lyrics:
You are the blossom,
I am the vine,
You are the blossom,
I am the vine,

Sweet Little Blossom of Mine,
Hanging on the vine,
Extracting all the nutrients from inside,
Sweet Little Blossom of mine,

You are the Oyster,
I am the Pearl,
You are the Oyster,
I am the Pearl

Sweet Little Oyster of mine,
Irritating you from inside,
Covering me with your mucus-like substance until I shine,
Sweet Little Oyster of mine.

I am the Host Organism,
You are the unicellular dinoflagellate algae,
I am the Host Organism,
You are the unicellular dinoflagellate algae,

Sweet Little unicellular dinoflagellate algae of mine,
Letting me use your chloroplasts to photosynthesize,
Providing me with carbon in exchange for the nutrients you obtain from my anabolic pathways,
Sweet Little unicellular dinoflagellate algae of mine,

You are the Commonwealth of Independent States,
I am the United States Department of International Development,
You are the Commonwealth of Independent States,
I am the United States Department of International Development,

Sweet Little Commonwealth of Independent States of mine,
Helping you to recover from your decline,
Spending 2.5 billion dollars in financial assistance to help invigorate your economy and help stabilize your ruble,
Sweet Little Commonwealth of Independent States of mine,

You are the Elvis
I am the Colonel Parker
You are the Elvis
I am the Colonel Parker

Sweet Little Elvis of mine,
Right there by your side,
Pulling your bloated 250 pound, cocaine and barbiturate saturated body out of the bathtub to keep it from drowning in a puddle of your own vomit,
Sweet Little Elvis of mine,
(In a mock Elvis voice) Sweet Little Elvis of mine,
Sweet Little Commonwealth of Independent States of mine,
Sweet Little unicellular dinoflagellate algae of mine,
Sweet Little Oyster of mine.
Sweet Little Blossom of mine.

Current Rating 10.0 (2 votes)
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