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The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-90
Topic: Valentine's Day (love songs with a demented twist); the night 41 years ago when all American fell in love with four long-haired young men from England

February 12, 2005 - 12m ET (XM channel 151, mono, Saturday night); February 13, 2005 - 12m ET (XM channel 40, stereo, Sunday night) Originally broadcast as The Dr. Demento Show #04-06 - February 8, 2004

This show has 9 parts:

Audio for this show has been disabled at the request of Dr. Demento. Visit to listen.

Part 2
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Everyone Says "I Love You"The Marx Brothers
Making Love In a SubaruDamaskas
Dirty LoveThe Mothers of Invention
- With Whimsical Will
Part 4
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Love SongAlbert Brooks
Close To YouThe Clams
BoogieJohn Hartford
Part 7
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#5 Because We CanSandy Andina
#4 Morris the MooseLorne Elliott
Part 8
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#3 Chainsaw Juggler (Hit Record version) (edit)The Four Postmen
#2 Great Idea For A SongWorm Quartet
Part 9
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#1 F. PeopleOokla the Mok
Next week: Alternate lifestyles


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