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Rank this week: 9 (↑21)
Duration: 4:09 
Release Date: 2003  (DJ Particle) 
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Morris the Moose

by Lorne Elliott

Let me tell you the story about Morris the Moose
He wandered the woodlands and strode through the spruce
And as he would wander, he'd often let loose
with a song. It was his one and only
It went: whooooooooannn whooooooooannn whooooooooannn
which if you speak moose, means "I'm lonely"

And then came the day as he wandered along
he thought he heard something, but could he be wrong?
Was that in the distance a female moose song
sounding so sad and so blue?
It went whooooooooannn whooooooooannn whooooooooannn
which in moose means "I'm lonely too."

His ears they revolved and his nostrils they flared
His antlers a-quivered and upright he rared
Neither for branches nor brambles he cared
Nor whether he'd stumble or fall

He crashed through a beaver pond, ran on until
Just as he crested the top of a hill
in a clearing below, he saw there standing still
A moose hunter with a moose call

He was looking back at Morris with a smile on his face
As if to say, "I knew you'd come to this place
Would you like to hear now at the end of your chase
once more the song that brought ya?
it goes whooooooooannn whooooooooannn whooooooooannn
which in moose hunter means 'gotcha!"

He dropped his moose call and he picked up his gun
before Morris knew what was next to be done
before he could turn, and before he could run
from what the future foreboded
He aimed down the barrel and Morris felt sick
as he thumbed off the safety release with a flick
and then pulled the trigger and the sound it went "click"
which if you speak gun means "not loaded"

And then right on cue came a godawful large
sudden noise from the woods, then from out of it's marge
Another moose crashed with a bellowing charge
which if you speak human, means run

And that hunter he ran without looking around
not stopping till he reached his home in the town
gave up hunting forever and can still there be found
telling tall tales like this one

And Morris came down to the clearing and he
said, "Thanks fellow moose for rescuing me."
And the cow moose replied, (for it was a she)
"Put it out of your mind altogetter
I was lured by the call myself. When I heard two
Thought I'd lost out, but then I saw how to help you
Sometimes things don't work out like you'd like them to
But still end up working out better"

Now Morris and his mate the woodland all o'er
sing now like moose who have someone to sing for
and if you sing too we could make quite a roar
are you ready, get set, make it snappy.
whooooooooannn whooooooooannn whooooooooooannnn
which if you speak moose means "I'm happy."



Am Dm f G
Am Dm f G

(Tim P. Ryan)
Current Rating 9.4 (4 votes)
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