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Captain Wayne's Mad Music Show, Episode #24, Apr. 23, 2006
Topic: Animals

This show has 6 parts:

Next week: Family


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Messages about the show: "Captain Wayne's Mad Music Show, Episode #24, Apr. 23, 2006"

PowerSalad   Offline  -  Artist  -  04-29-06 11:41 PM  -  18 years ago
A former 93rd-or-something cousin of mine (very removed, via divorce), John Caruso, played bass on "Let's Talk Dirty To The Animals" and the whole Gilda Live show. I acquired one of his old acoustic guitars, which can be heard on some of the earliest Power Salad recordings as well as "The Ballad of Jim and Tammy" by Zot Theater.
aussiechick   Offline  -  Member  -  10-20-06 08:35 AM  -  17 years ago
hey all
dug   Offline  -  Member  -  02-13-07 12:08 PM  -  17 years ago
great tunes, it warms me up, need it up here in Canada.
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