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Album Details
Words of Cheese & Other Parrot Trees

By: Art Paul Schlosser


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This CD is a tribute to Wierd Al Yankovic a guy who I've been a fan of for quite a while.Weird Al taught me that music didn't have to be serious to be good.These songs are not Weird Al type of humor but rather my own style of humor in a Weird Al style of writing(The Parody).This CD actaully is a project I did originally as a character that I made up called Buddy Holly Cheesehead which is a character I do with a cheesehead,a suite,a tie, and fake glasses.So that is why there are 7 parodys with cheese lyrics and the Title is called partly Words of Cheese.I would have done the whole album that way but I ran out of energy after the first 7 songs and then I recorded Mary Had A Big Lamb for reasons I don't know.Then this song real sat around for years because at the time cassette tapes weren't selling very much anymore and I statrted to produce CDs and it was oringinally ment to be a cassette tape called Words of Cheese by Buddy Holly Cheesehead.As time went on and I continued to perform on State street I started to make up other parodies(When I say Paordies I mean a song using another song idea and making it in a joke but not always the original song and music often my parodies use new music I wrote with similar lyrics that I adapted and change parts of. So some of these parodies are really my originals but most are real paordies but not all are funny).When I started to make up new parodies alot of them happen to be Beatle songs and I came up with this idea for a title that was similar to Spike Jones I'm destroying The Classics.My title was going to be I'm ART PAUL SCHLOSSER and I'm wrecking the Beatles.At the same time I also thought of Doing a Demented Christmas Album but since there wasn't enough songs for a whole Beatle song CD or a whole Christmas CD neither, I thought how about just a whole Parody CD.So here is it is Words of Cheese and Other Parodies Hey Weird Al eat your Heart out.BTW I should mention that I am sorry you can't hear to many of the songs here but soon some will be on Apple iTunes or Maybe you can request them on Dr Demento at 


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  • This is ART PAUL's 13th CD (artpaul)
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