Monty Python's Hastily Cobbled Together for a Fast Buck Album
By: Monty Python
"This quality record has been hastily cobbled together for a fast buck from things that were never good enough to get on any other Monty Python LP, but you've gone out and bought it, so who's the mug?"Stavro Arrgolus
Year | Type | Label | Catalog # | |
| | Not Released | | (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Reviews: |
Mostly alternate tracks from the 'Contractual Obligation' album and unreleased outtakes of previous work, this 'lost' Python compilation also possesses the feel of what "Life of Brian' and 'Meaning of Life' would come to be. Collectively, and from a critical perspective, this compilation isn't quite as good as 'Contractual Obligation', or any well conceived Python album, for that matter (as the name implies), but it's still a must have for any Python fan. | Stavro Arrgolus |
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