Thurl Ravenscroft
Date Born/Group Began:
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Facts: |
The voice of Tony The Tiger on the commercials for Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. (sav-man) |
His deep voice can also be heard on the soundtrack for the 1972 animated film SNOOPY, COME HOME. (sav-man) |
He sang "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" from the Grinch Christmas Special from 1966. (atomic99) |
Passed away May 22, 2005 at the age of 91. (atomic99) |
He did the song "Grim Grinning Ghosts" for the old Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. (atomic99) |
Played on 112 shows: |
| 10-28-24, #SF_WBHT | | 12-20-08, #ROTP_226 |
| 12-23-23, #KMCC-18-09 | | 12-19-08, #MMDT20_08-50 |
| 12-16-23, #AOTA-231216 | | 12-14-08, #MMS-118 |
| 10-14-22, #WOTR_297 | | 10-31-08, #MMDT20_08-43 |
| 12-11-21, #AOTA-211211 | | 10-31-08, #MMS-117 |
| 10-31-20, #AOTA-201031 | | 10-19-08, #08-42 |
| 10-30-20, #WOTR_197 | | 12-29-07, #MMS-104 |
| 12-21-19, #KMCC-14-09 | | 10-28-07, #MMS-97 |
| 12-21-19, #AOTA-191221 | | 10-27-07, #ROTP_166 |
| 12-15-18, #AOTA-181215 | | 10-26-07, #MMDT20_07-42 |
| 12-08-18, #AOTA-181208 | | 10-21-07, #07-42 |
| 10-31-17, #MMS-218 | | 12-24-06, #MMS-59 |
| 12-24-16, #OTR-2-50 | | 12-10-06, #06-50 |
| 12-24-16, #16-52 | | 10-29-06, #MMS-51 |
| 12-12-16, #MMS-207 | | 10-22-06, #06-43 |
| 10-29-16, #16-44 | | 10-22-06, #MMS-50 |
| 10-26-16, #ISGD-16-44 | | 12-13-05, #MMS-8 |
| 10-24-16, #MMS-202 | | 10-30-05, #05-44 |
| 12-23-15, #MMCZ-15-03 | | 10-29-05, #FFM-15 |
| 12-12-15, #15-50 | | 10-23-05, #05-43 |
| 10-11-15, #BWR-15-10-11 | | 10-22-05, #MMS-1 |
| 10-10-15, #15-41 | | 06-12-05, #05-24 |
| 07-25-15, #15-30 | | 10-31-04, #04-44 |
| 10-29-14, #ISGD-14-58 | | 10-24-04, #04-43 |
| 10-21-14, #BWR-14-10-21 | | 10-24-04, #XM-74 |
| 10-19-14, #MMS-188 | | 10-20-03, #XM-22 |
| 04-22-14, #BWR-14-04-22 | | 10-19-03, #03-42 |
| 12-26-13, #ISGD-13-56 | | 07-24-03, #MMCZ-03-04 |
| 10-29-13, #ISGD-13-45 | | 10-27-02, #02-43 |
| 10-26-13, #13-43 | | 01-27-02, #02-04 |
| 10-21-13, #MMS-176 | | 10-21-01, #01-42 |
| 10-16-13, #ISGD-13-42 | | 10-22-00, #00-43 |
| 10-15-13, #MMS-175 | | 01-16-00, #00-03 |
| 10-15-13, #BWR-13-10-15 | | 10-24-99, #99-43 |
| 12-15-12, #AOTA-121215 | | 10-25-98, #98-43 |
| 12-09-12, #MMS-160 | | 10-26-97, #97-43 |
| 11-03-12, #12-44 | | 10-22-95, #95-43 |
| 10-30-12, #BWR-12-10-30 | | 10-30-94, #94-44 |
| 10-27-12, #12-43 | | 10-31-93, #93-44 |
| 10-25-12, #ISGD-12-43 | | 10-25-92, #92-43 |
| 10-16-12, #BWR-12-10-16 | | 06-28-92, #92-26 |
| 10-14-12, #MMS-156 | | 04-19-92, #92-16 |
| 12-31-11, #MMCZ-11-53 | | 10-27-91, #91-43 |
| 12-17-11, #11-51 | | 10-28-90, #90-43 |
| 10-30-11, #LCBR_Ep052 | | 10-29-89, #89-44 |
| 10-29-11, #MMCZ-11-44 | | 10-30-88, #88-44 |
| 10-29-11, #11-44 | | 10-25-87, #87-43 |
| 10-22-11, #11-43 | | 10-26-86, #86-43 |
| 10-18-11, #BWR-11-10-18 | | 10-26-86, #KMET-86-43 |
| 10-30-10, #10-44 | | 10-27-85, #85-43 |
| 10-29-09, #BR-09-87 | | 10-27-85, #KMET-85-43 |
| 10-25-09, #MMS-131 | | 08-12-79, #79-32 |
| 10-25-09, #MMCZ-09-39 | | 10-29-78, #78-37 |
| 10-25-09, #09-43 | | 10-31-76, #118 |
| 07-26-09, #MMCZ-09-28 | | 08-29-76, #109 |
| 02-15-09, #09-07 | | 10-27-74, #17 |
| = Show you can listen to online |
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