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I Still Get Demented #15-35 August 22, 2015
Topic: Catching Up

This show has 4 parts:

Part 1
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  • What I Like About BoozeDisTurbo
    Telephone Help For The Desperate  [only known play]Gary Owens
    Part 3
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    Who Put The Handles On The Can?Stan Freberg
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  • Funny Man  [first known play]Rodney Carrington
    Joe's Ex-GirlfriendsCarla Ulbrich
    Cubic RefugeeStevens And Grdnic
    Old is Getting Older Every DayTrevor Strong
  • -
  • Harold Stassen Commercial  [only known play]Gary Owens
    Honesty Airlines  [only known play]The American Comedy Network
    -You Don't Know Jack Players
    Terminator 2: Schwarzenegger vs. Benji (Again)Killer Spam (aka John Mammoser)
    Today Tonight TomorrowSCTV Players
    Stereos And SuchNational Lampoon
    Mac vs. PC 2  [only known play]Smart Bomb Radio
    -NBC's Saturday Night Live
    Osama And The SopranosKiller Spam (aka John Mammoser)
    The Walking Jed  [first known play]Greg "Eggman" Moore
  • -
  • Cellar DoorInsane Ian
    Crud Beer  [first known play]David Tanny
    Eat It"Weird Al" Yankovic
  • -
  • The BombBucketheads
    Next week: K-Earth 101's Southern California's #1 Music Weekend Featuring Novelty Songs Part Two

    Listing added by:  davidtanny

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