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Farm It Maybe - Li'l Fred
Batman Raps Episode 1: Arkham Asylum - Dan Bull
Pat Sajak (Is an Egg) - David Tanny
Batman Rap - Warp Zone, The
Snortin' Up The Bath Salts - Morning Sidekick
One Song - Key of Awesome, The
Witness March, The - Mr. E. Worm
Everyone's Gone To AC - Max DeGroot
Strictly Speaking - TV's Kyle feat. Chris Mezzolesta
Sell Your Body For Revolution - Komrades Oppression Group feat. Consortium of Genius
Happy Little Clouds (PBS Digital Remix) - Bob Ross
Some Music That I Used To Love - Smooth-E
Ant-Man - Insane Ian
Quit Freaking Out Over Boobs - Tom Smith
29/31 - Garfunkel & Oates
Rapping Baby Kills It - Super Secret Project, The
Thunder Buddies - Seth MacFarlane & Mark Wahlberg
Sandals - Calvin Stewart
Mr. Mxyzptlk/Bizarro World - Ookla the Mok
Uber Shrug - Insane Ian
Some Zombie by George Romero - Insane Ian feat. The Stacey
Premature Evacuation - Todd Chappelle
Hey Fred Phelps - Steve Goodie
I Play WoW (Redux) - Jace Hall
I Picked a Girl - Susan Deming & Phillip Wilburn
Sarah Palin vs. The Flobots - Robert Lund & feat. Mercy Malick
All In My Tights - Devo Spice feat. Carrie Dahlby & Chris Mezzolesta
Out in the Backyard - Steve Goodie
Trivial Mysteries - Project Sisyphus
Junk Food Junkie - Larry Groce
Leave Me Alone - Lady Naga feat. Letomi
It's Love (Don't You Know?) - Scooter Picnic
Write Like the Wind (George R. R. Martin) - Paul & Storm
Chow Down (At Chick-Fil-A) - Willam feat. Detox & Vicky Vox
Married in London - Janis Ian
Spider-Ham - Insane Ian
Share It Maybe - Cookie Monster
Carbonated Hamsters - Worm Quartet
Ice Cream Has No Bones - Worm Quartet
Adventures in Creative Nostril-Swallowing (A Tribute To Plants That Suck) - Worm Quartet
Eskimo Pie is Not Pie and Contains Very Little Eskimo - Worm Quartet
Tree Bucket - Worm Quartet
Laundromat of Sin, The - Worm Quartet
I Wanna See Your Cans - Boobles, The
SDKFTWMY - Bob Ricci
Asian Kids Have All The Best Moves - Shael Riley and the Double Ice Backfire
Internet Is A Big Warm Hug For The World, The - Worm Quartet
Peddler: A Half-Assed Translation, The - Kobi LaCroix
FuMP - David Tanny
Talk Nerdy To Me - Possible Oscar
Savior Blues - Ghastly
Here I Am With President Romney (2012 Version) - Robert Lund &
When The Prozac Kicks In - Glen Raphael
They Said I Was Mad - The Consortium of Genius
Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 12-30, July 27, 2012
Topic: Show 414


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