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Pencil Neck Geek - Fred Blassie
Disco Toilet - Hersh and Chipkin
Poisoning Pigeons In The Park - Tom Lehrer
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Disneyland - George Lopez
Hardware Store - Weird Al Yankovic
Handy Dandy Toolman - Robert
Three Inch Tool
If I Had a Hammer - Larry Weaver
Hammertime - Jimmy Fallon
ep204: Panama Red Holds a Conference - O.B. Ranger, The
American Safety Institute: Mad Dogs - National Lampoon
Classical Cluck - Ray Stevens and The Henhouse Five Plus Too
Psycho Chicken - Fools, The
Just That Kinda Day - New Main Street Singers, The
Hey, E.T. - Dickie Goodman
A Trip To Jurassic Park - Whimsical Will
Meet The Flintstones - B.C. 52s, The
Bagpipes That's My Bag - Ray Stevens
Merry Go Round - Wildman Fischer
Jack In The Box - George Lopez
Trash Day - "Weird Al" Yankovic
I Love Trash - Oscar The Grouch (Caroll Spinney) (from Sesame Street)
Sahra Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out - Shel Silverstein
Old Joe's Place - Folksmen, The
Ozzman - Sudden Death
Rock and Roll Scooby Doo - Bob Rivers
No One Thinks the Way I Do - Four Postmen, The
Uncle Jack Needs a New Pair of Shoes - Gnooly
Brown Booger - Steve Goodie
Lando - Raymond and Scum
Demi Moore - Raymond and Scum
That's All Folks
Couch Potato - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Tele-Vee-Shun - Stan Freberg
Lingerie - Suzanne Willett
Reunion Song - Rob Paravonian
Start Me Up - Folksmen, The
Zach's Walk - Billy Jonas
Spanglish - George Lopez
Clampetts Go To Maui - Jeff Foxworthy
Noah: Me and You, Lord - Bill Cosby
Maximum Cliche - Larry Weaver
A Touch of Fairfax - Robin Williams
American Safety Institute: Remember To Brush - National Lampoon
Sky Diving/The Helmet - Jerry Seinfeld
Great Mountain Valley Drinking Water and Brite Toothpaste Commercial - National Lampoon
Sleight of Hand - John Bizarre
Speed - Not Ready For Prime Time Players
Bring Back Howdy Doody - 1910 Fruitgum Company
Eminem Alarm Clock - 98 Rock
Don't Be A Singer - Wildman Fischer
Killer Burp - Corky and The Juice Pigs
Shticks of One etc. - Allan Sherman
Swamp Lake - Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band, The
Uh! Oh! Part One - Nutty Squirrels, The
Them Duck Pluckers - Mason Williams
I Still Get Demented #03-22 June 9, 2003
Topic: new songs by Weird Al part 1 of 4, plus new comedy by George Lopez, and highlighting some songs from A Mighty Wind soundtrack, and more surprises.


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