fiogf49gjkf0d So, I guess I'll just have to close my eyes as I listen to my old cassette tapes.
I must have 300 of them and there has to be at least 5 partial or complete, songs on each tape.
If you count one verse and a chorus I must have written well over a thousand tunes. And most of them are sound like a hommade haircut looks.
I may have six song, maybe a few more than that, that are worth a damn.
Most of the melodies are mundane at best, but some of the lyrics are clever and some are touching.
But none has the story behind it that Greasy Spoon has.
I'm too tired today from listening to all those trashy tunes, but tomorrow if I feel up to it, I'll talkl about how I wrote Greasy Spoon and how the flip side got me sued by a bunch of hillbillies (oh, the lawyers are lining up already) in a small town in Illinois whose name, when inverted sounds like a "social disease."