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Song Details
Duration: 2:05 
Release Date: 1974  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: George Carlin (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: N/A (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By: Monte Kay/Jack Lewis/George Carlin (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Released By: Little David LD 3003 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By: Dead Sea Music Inc. (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: BMI (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Well, that's activism for you. Carlin attempts to 'do the right thing' here, but this bit falters and never quite gets going. He trips over his words and seems very unsure in a way you never see with Carlin. He manages to get it together only in the last paragraph. Thankfully, this level of hesitation is never seen again in Carlin's albums or cable specials. - Stavro Arrgolus
Song Lyrics:
Gay lib. Now interestingly, here is an attempt by a put down and kinda like persecuted minority to insist rightfully and their treatment rightfully without it having anything to do with ethnic or religion or anything. It's really an exiting separate part of liberation.

Now I have always wondered- well, no, we've all thought about homosexual, heterosexual, we've always wondered. First of all, sometimes we, if we're younger, we react to that in a way that we've been schooled, then ya kinda get your chops and ya get things OK and you understand and it's alright to be able to talk about that...(purposely babbles incoherently).

Then...well, here's what I mean. The word homosexual- may people who are not in the position to have to decide this, they wonder about it- "Is it normal? Is it natural? I ask you, is it normal and natural or is it unnatural and abnormal?" Now those two words seem to revolve around it.

Now lets look at those words for what they are. 'Natural', hey, means according to nature. Is it according to nature? Well, probably not in the strictest sense, because nature didn't presuppose it. Nature only gave us one set of sexual apparatus. Girls sot somethin' for the guys; guys got somethin' for the girls. I say this now, a homosexual is forced to share the apparatus that the opposite sex is using on this person. Certainly, if nature were in command, there'd be two sets of goodies. So nature was not ready; we leaped past nature again in our sociological development way down the road ahead of nature.

Is it normal? What's normal? Let's see, if you're standing in a room stripped and it's dark and you're hugging and loving and rubbing them up and down and they're....babble) and suddenly the light goes on and it's the same sex, you've been trained to go 'AAAAAHHWOOO!' But it felt okay. So maybe it was normal without being natural.
(Stavro Arrgolus)
Current Rating 0.0 (0 votes)
Played on 2 shows:
06-28-14, #ISGD-14-3506-06-10, #MMCZ-10-23
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